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Facebook Page and Website Name Change

I started my Facebook page with the full intention of launching a podcast (hence the name, The Screen Room Movie “Podcast”). As much as I’d still love to record a podcast I just can’t see how I’ll ever get the time to do it between working full time and running the page. ☹️

I get so much out of writing posts and then chatting with you guys in the comments of those posts that I’ve decided to finally ditch the whole podcast idea and change the name to something more suitable.

If you’ve been with me since the beginning you’ll know that my Facebook page got shut down for some inexplicable reason back in 2020.

After 5 weeks of hearing nothing from anyone at Facebook HQ I decided to cut my losses and launch a new page called “The Screen Room Movie Blog”. It too got shut down after 4 days because it was “similar to a page that had recently been shut down”. 🤦🏻‍♂️

For this reason I’ve held off changing the name of the page (and website) for fear of the page getting shut down again. This is why I launched this website, an insurance policy if you will. 🤷‍♂️

Maybe I’ll get around to recording a podcast at some point but for now I’m happy writing posts and ranting about my movie related frustrations.

Other than the name, nothing else is changing. I just figured it should be more suited to the kind of content I put out.

Thanks for sticking with me Screenroomers! 😁👍


(The Screen Room Movie “Blog” guy).

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