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The Fifth Element (1997)

So by popular demand today’s sci-fi pick is the Bruce Willis sci-fi action/adventure:

The Fifth Element (1997)

Another great movie! I still have this on VHS...

Also starring Milla Jovovich (Resident Evil), Ian Holm (Alien, The Hobbit) and the fantastic Gary Oldman (Leon, The Dark Knight), the synopsis is as follows:

In the colourful future, a cab driver and former special forces major (Bruce Willis), unwittingly becomes the central figure in the search for a legendary cosmic weapon capable of defeating an evil that appears every 5,000 years.

Visually striking and with its own unique style, French writer and Director Luc Besson (Nikita, Leon) started writing the story that would become The Fifth Element when he was 16 years old. He was 38 when the film finally opened in cinemas.

This was the first film I saw starring Milla Jovovich and one in a long run of films in which Gary Oldman plays the villain. These days he tends to gets cast more as the “good guy”.

If you haven’t seen this film you really should give it a watch. It’s a great 1990s offering to the sci-fi genre!


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